Vision for the future: Scientific Computing and Data Science

Scientific computing focuses on the development of predictive computer models of the world around us. As study of physical phenomena through experimentation has become impossible, impractical and/or expensive, computational modeling has become the primary tool for understanding—equal in stature to analysis and experiment. The discipline of scientific computing is the development of new methods that make challenging problems tractable on modern computing platforms, providing scientists and engineers with key windows into the world around us.

Data science focuses on the development of tools designed to find trends within datasets that help scientists who are challenged with massive amounts of data to assess key relations within those datasets. These key relations provide hooks that allow scientists to identify models which, in turn, facilitate making accurate predictions in complex systems. For example, a key data science goal on the biological side would be better care for patients (e.g., personalized medicine). Given a patient’s genetic makeup, the proper data-driven model would identify the most effective treatment for that patient.