PHY321: Classical Mechanics 1

Homework 1, due January 20 (midnight)

Jan 9, 2023

Practicalities about homeworks and projects

  1. You can work in groups (optimal groups are often 2-3 people) or by yourself. If you work as a group you can hand in one answer only if you wish. Remember to write your name(s)!
  2. Homeworks (final version) are available approximately ten days before the deadline.
  3. How do I(we) hand in? You can hand in the paper and pencil exercises as a scanned document. For this homework this applies to exercises 1-5. You should upload the scan to D2L. Alternatively, you can hand in everyhting (if you are ok with typing mathematical formulae using say Latex) as a jupyter notebook at D2L. The numerical exercise (exercise 6 here) should always be handed in as a jupyter notebook by the deadline at D2L.

Exercise 1 (12 pt), math reminder, properties of exponential function

The first exercise is meant to remind ourselves about properties of the exponential function and imaginary numbers. This is highly relevant later in this course when we start analyzing oscillatory motion and some wave mechanics. As physicists we should thus feel comfortable with expressions that include \( \exp{(\imath\omega t)} \). Here \( t \) could be interpreted as time and \( \omega \) as a frequency and \( \imath \) is the imaginary unit number.

Exercise 2 (12 pt), Vector algebra

Exercise 3 (10 pt), More vector mathematics

Exercise 4 (10 pt), Algebra of cross products

Exercise 5 (10 pt), Area of triangle and law of sines

Exercise 1.18 in the textbook of Taylor, Classical Mechanics. Part (1.18a) gives 5pt and part (1.18b) gives also 5pt.

Exercise 6 (40pt), Numerical elements, getting started with some simple data

This exercise should be handed in as a jupyter-notebook at D2L. Remember to write your name(s).

Our first numerical attempt will involve reading data from file or just setting up two vectors, one for position and one for time. Our data are from Usain Bolt's world record 100m during the olympic games in Beijing in 2008. The data show the time used in units of 10m (see below). Before we however venture into this, we need to repeat some basic Python syntax with an emphasis on

For more information, see the introductory slides. Here are some of the basic packages we will be using this week

import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

The first exercise here deals with simply getting familiar with vectors and matrices.

We will be working with vectors and matrices to get you familiar with them.

  1. Initalize two three-dimensional \( xyz \) vectors in the below cell using np.array([x,y,z]). Vectors are represented through arrays in python
  2. V1 should have x1=1, y1 =2, and z1=3.
  3. Vector 2 should have x2=4, y2=5, and z2=6.
  4. Print both vectors to make sure your code is working properly.
V1 = np.array([1,2,3])
V2 = np.array([4,5,6])
print("V1: ", V1)
print("V2: ", V2)

If this is not too familiar, here's a useful link for creating vectors in python Alternatively, look up the introductory slides.

Now let us do some basic mathematics with vectors.

Compute and print the following, and double check with your own paper and pencil calculations:

Here is some useful explanation on numpy array operations if you feel a bit confused by what is happening, see

The following code prints the first two exercises


For the dot product of V1 and V2 below we can use the dot function of numpy as follows


As a small challenge try to write your own function for the dot product of two vectors.

Matrices can be created in a similar fashion in python. In this language we can work with them through the package numpy (which we have already imported)

M1 = np.matrix([[1,2,3],
M2 = np.matrix([[1,2],
M3 = np.matrix([[9,8,7],

Matrices can be added in the same way vectors are added in python as shown here

print("M1+M3: ", M1+M3)

What happens if we try to do \( M1+M2 \)?

That's enough vectors and matrices for now. Let's move on to some physics problems!

We can opt for two different ways of handling the data. The data are listed in the table here and represents the total time Usain Bolt used in steps of 10 meters of distance. The label \( i \) is just a counter and we start from zero since Python arrays are by default set from zero. The variable \( t \) is time in seconds and \( x \) is the position in meters. You may find it useful to include results at time \( t=0 \) as well. The position is obviously then \( x=0 \) m.

i 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
x[m] 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
t[s] 1.85 2.87 3.78 4.65 5.50 6.32 7.14 7.96 8.79 9.69

The following example code may help here

# we just initialize time and position
x = np.array([10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0, 100.0])
t = np.array([1.85, 2.87, 3.78, 4.65, 5.50, 6.32, 7.14, 7.96, 8.79, 9.69])
plt.plot(t,x, color='black')
plt.xlabel("Time t[s]")
plt.ylabel("Position x[m]")
plt.title("Usain Bolt's world record run")